• Business und Personal Coaching

    Being fully awake in our lives.

“Take counselling that makes sure you are not prescribed what quickly cures surface symptoms. Take counselling that helps you sustainably by giving you more freedom to act.”

.Andreas Schreyer


Let my knowledge and experience as a coach and entrepreneur guide you in a sound, sensitive, wise and powerful process.


Our first conversation unfolds out of the now, the today. Without judgement, “what is” takes on meaning.

I make my experience and resonance available to you in order to include things in the counselling process to which you yourself do not (yet) have access.

Everything is allowed. What situation do you want to shed light on? What topic should it be about?


so that you

  • recognise inner structures and patterns
  • experience changes permanently and as a matter of course
  • recognise goals
  • solve conflicts
  • release power
  • giving shape to your desires
  • finding decisions

Life and career


  • Aufgewachsen in München und Mill Valley (San Francisco)
  • Gründer, Unternehmer, Berufsausbilder (IHK-zertifiziert)
  • seit 2001 Geträumte Taten Jewelry, 5 Höfe München
  • seit 2010 Coaching in München

Ausbildung und Qualifikation

  • Steuerfachgehilfe mit Erfahrung in Steuerkanzlei und Finanzamt München
  • BWL Studium in Dresden und München
  • Design Study Jewelry & Metal Art San Francisco
  • Coaching Ausbildung bei Hephaistos München
  • Coach zertifiziert nach den Kriterien des Deutschen Bundesverband Coaching E.V. DBVC


  • Konflikt und Konfliktdynamiken
  • Destruktive Persönlickeistanteile Arbeiten mit selbstdestruktiven Anteilen einer Persönlichkeit
  • Provokatives Coaching Dr. Noni Höfner
  • Jon-Kabat-Zinn MBSR Fundamentals
  • Werner Bock Gestalttherapeutisches Arbeiten
© 2023 | ANDREAS ESTEVAN SCHREYER | Business und Personal Caoching in München